Let's Celebrate Screen-Free Week 2013

Apr 26, 2013

What is screen-free week? How can we celebrate it? Find out in this post at The Holistic Homeschooler.

This is the 10th and final day in my Screen-Free Family Activities series. On this final day, let's discuss Screen-Free Week. What is it? How do we do it? 

What Is Screen-Free Week

Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood is the home for Screen-Free Week, an annual event when people, businesses and schools turn off their screens. 

-No television. 
-No video or mobile games. 
-No screens for entertainment purposes. 

Does this mean no screens at all?
No. We all use screens for work and school. It's a part of life in our modern society. Most of us cannot go totally screen-free. Unless our school or workplace is participating in this event, most of us will still be using screens to an extent.

How Difficult Is Screen-Free Week? 

If you use screens as your primary source of entertainment, it can be tough. But if you plan well, have a list of ideas for alternative forms of entertainment, and are truly committed, you can do it! 

How My Family Will Do It
Last year, we went screen-free. It wasn't difficult actually. Although I was permitted to use my screens for work, I didn't. Nor did I use them for homeschool (because I never had). We really did go completely screen-free except for the following which I don't believe count as screens for entertainment:

  • Using the cell phone for calls.
  • Using the cell phone for listening to music (How would this be different than an MP3 or CD  player?) while doing other things.
  • Reading books on the Kindle (No different than a "real" book, in my opinion.)
If anyone finds proof that I'm wrong on those things, let me know. ;-)

This year, I see us doing things a bit differently. 

I do need screens for work. Whether my cleaning business, work I do here at The Holistic Homeschooler with homeschool businesses, or projects with the iHomeschool Network, there is work to be done. I have writing deadlines, so I'll be meeting those.

But I will not be online for entertainment. Honestly, I'm never online for entertainment unless you count posting a status to my personal Facebook page, which I won't be doing. 

Medical Exceptions?
Also, there's Lorelai and Alexis.

I'm going to try alternatives for their issues but they actually do use certain online activities as a means for dealing with some of their symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. Alexis uses it to calm or ignore "racing thoughts" and Lorelai uses one game as a means of calming down when teetering on the edges of mania.

I would call this "therapeutic" and say it's allowed. Again, if anyone finds a different thought on this, feel free to share. But I think if a game calms a child and prevents her from losing mental control, it's a good thing.

I've enjoyed writing this 10-day series. It's been fun. It's been challenging. I hope you've learned some things and gathered a few ideas for spending less time on screens. I know I did!

This series is a part of the 2013 Spring Hopscotch
rought to you by these lovely ladies...

Hopscotch Spring 2013 Collage 

Happy Homeschooling!

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