10 Simple Winter Nature Study Ideas

Jan 11, 2016

This list of 10 winter nature study ideas is simple, yet provides a rewarding experience for your homeschool family. 

10 simple winter nature study ideas

Nature studies can be as simple or complex as you want them to be.

If you're new to nature studies, you may feel more comfortable starting with simple activities. But even veteran nature study families can appreciate a calm, quiet nature walk.

Below you'll find a few simple things you do to develop an appreciation for nature.

10 Simple Winter Nature Study Ideas

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Choose a tree to study for a year. 

You can do this in any season. If you chose one earlier in the year, continue studying it through the winter. If not, choose one now and study it until next fall. Need more information on tree studies? Learn more in this winter tree study post

Take a silent winter walk.

This is exactly what you think it is. Take a walk without making a sound, taking mental notes of what you see and hear. For more ideas on nature walks, see 8 Steps to a Successful Nature Walk.

Take close-up (macro) photos of icicles.

Not only will you notice the little things, but you'll have beautiful photographs for your nature journal!

Start a nature journal.

If you haven't done this already, now is a good time to start! A nature journal is a scrapbook of sorts. What can you save in a nature journal? Anything from sketches and paintings, to leaf rubbings and leaves. Create a beautiful record and keepsake!

Observe what's in the trees.

Younger kids can count how many things they see as they name them. Older kids can write about what they see. Anyone can sketch what's in the trees. With the leaves gone, you'll be able to see nests, seed pods, vines, and more!

Notice bushes and plants that still have leaves.

Winter doesn't mean all life comes to an end, right? Which plants or bushes still have leaves? What else is in bloom? Fruits? Nuts? Berries? 

Look for animal tracks in the snow.

Take the kids out to hunt for animal tracks and bird wing impressions in the snow. How many tracks can you identify? 

If you, like me, live where there is no snow. You can seek out animal tracks in the dirt or sand.

Look for other traces of animals.

Take a walk to look for fur, scat, feathers, and other signs of animals. You'd be surprised at how much of this stuff you simply don't notice until you're looking!

Hold a winter scavenger hunt.

Gather all your kids, neighbor kids, or homeschool group for this one! Scavenger hunts work for any season. Susan Evans has a printable specifically for winter scavenger hunts! (Read my post chock full of nature scavenger hunt ideas!)

Create a nature table for all your findings.

Nature tables are not only fun to create, but a great way to add seasonal (literally!) decor to your home. Check out this nature table DIY post for ideas.

>>>Check out my 5-day series of
5 Wintertime Nature Study Ideas.<<<

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